Choosing the best stylist for your business or image is a task that should be given some thought. A good way to start the process is to first be sure you have a clear understanding of what you want as the end result of hiring a trained stylist. For instance, wanting a personal makeover in order to look more professional in your career is a clear goal with which to approach stylists. If your main objective is to select a personal shopper to choose stylized gifts for your clients, be sure to communicate your expectations clearly during the interviews with different stylists.
One creative person's idea of "elegant" could be something entirely different from that of another style professional. Ask questions about their ideas for your business needs when interviewing different stylists. This approach can also help you see how well they communicate their ideas to you. Communication is a key requirement in choosing a stylist; otherwise you may not get the end creative result you expected.
Once you've narrowed down your choice of stylists, ask for references and samples of their work. A resume plus photographs of their past work should give you enough material with which to base your choice. You could also visit their workplaces and make further observations. Something that you shouldn't do when choosing the best stylist is ask for free work. The professional way to hire another business person is to respect his or her time and professionalism just as you'd be likely to prefer if the situation was reversed.
Telephoning or emailing one or several of a stylist's past clients for references is an option to consider after the candidate gives you his or her resume. After checking references and observing past work, don't forget to consider your potential stylist's appearance and attitude. A person who presents himself or herself as a career stylist should have a pulled together, polished appearance as well as a confident, yet professional, attitude.
Image consultants and personal shoppers should listen carefully to your project requirements and offer sensible, successful suggestions. To avoid wasting your own time as well as the stylist's, mention your budget before settling on a professional style consultant for your project. A creative person who is experienced in the task you need accomplished and will keep your specific business requirements in mind is likely to be the best choice for your style based project.